Insane Sniffer

Enhance Your Gaming Experience


Accessible Features

UltraFast Installation

Simply download the application and follow the instructions and steps and you are ready to go!

Basic Knowledgebase

Join our Discord for any questions or a detailed tutorial on how to use the application.

24 / 7 Support

The best support with our self-developed ticket system. Or you can join easily the Discord Server

Network Filter

Obtain a packet filter to control inbound and outbound P2P traffic on any network devices!

Party Sniffing

Network monitoring and packet analysis on Playstation, Xbox and Pc Party's to pull/sniff IP's

Protection Detection

Examine and tracks a DDoS-protected VPNs through each of any network traffic connections.

All About Us

About Us

In 2016, we started developing an application that scans the entire network and filters out every IP address. With the IP address you can geolocate, solve, search, label everything in one application. If you're convinced, register quickly so you can explore and browse all the abilities on our website. For Educational and Informational Purpose Only

Credits Circulation


Database Searches


Database Entries
